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After having settled our 2 subsidiaries in Togo and Madagascar and developed our innovative #stablecoin powered basic necessity marketplace digital infrastructure dedicated to empower financially African small & medium businesses, we are opening again our capital to retail investors and business angels up to impact endeavour and/or Africa for expanding DizzitUp operation in Benin and Ethiopia in 2024.

Ethiopia, the 2nd largest country in Africa with 120 million inhabitants, a supportive diaspora community of 2.5 million of Ethiopians living abroad, is becoming one of the fastest growing economy in Africa with expected 6.2% GDP growth in 2024.

Join our 45 early investors and let’s bring together Revenue and Capital to African small businesses, those who generate more than 70% of the continent’s GDP but very often left over by the “system”.

Ask for our Investment deck at info@dizzitup.com

#DizzitUp #DizzitApp #CrossBorderPayments #FreeRemittances #BuyEssentials #PayBills #FinanceBusiness #Impact #Diaspora #DeFi4Good

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